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Start Global Cooling

Climate Action is a natural fit at Clif Bar. Global warming threatens the places we care about most deeply, community health, and the farming systems we depend on to grow our food. And while we’re working hard to address our own contribution to climate change, we recognize the real mission of our sustainability program is to work beyond our four walls to help build the climate movement. And that movement is growing. Now more than ever, let’s Start Global Cooling.

CLIF BAR’s Climate Action by the Numbers

100% Green Power sourced for electricity at all facilities owned and operated by Clif Bar.

Over 1 Billion pounds of Organic Ingredients purchased to date. Organic agriculture uses 30-50% less fossil fuels than conventional and sequesters carbon in the soil.

18 Years of Climate Neutral Business Operations resulting in over 250,000 metric tons of carbon offset through Native Energy’s Help Build programs that deliver both social and environmental benefits:

  • 37 renewable energy and efficiency projects funded, including farmer-, community- and school-owned wind turbines.
  • Over 12,000 people provided with access to safe drinking water through the distribution of household water filters to rural communities in Ghana and Honduras, reducing the need to burn firewood to boil water.
  • Invested in NativeEnergy's New Renewables Portfolio, which is bringing 3MW of new solar generation online in 2019.

Greening our supply chain: 50 Supply chain facilities using 50% or more Green Power for the electricity used to make Clif products and services.

734 fuel efficient hybrid and electric cars purchased by Clif Bar employees (49%) with support from our Cool Commute incentive program. Over 565 bike purchases by employees supported too.

Over 250,000 trees planted with American Forests and other non-profit partners.

Over 10 years of climate advocacy in partnership with Ceres and Protect Our Winters.

Our Climate Commitments

We Are Still In - When the U.S. government left the Paris Climate Agreement, we stood up for climate action and announced, “We Are Still In,” joining 2,700 other organizations in declaring our support for the Paris climate commitments. A year later in 2018, we stepped up our commitment, following an invitation to join the We Are Still In Leaders’ Circle to encourage other businesses and organizations to set bold goals be a part of the climate solution.

Science Based Targets Initiative - We’re committing to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and setting science-based targets consistent with or exceeding the pace recommended by climate scientists to limit the worst impacts of climate change.

RE100 - We are a member of RE100 and committed to using 100% renewable energy at all Clif facilities through 2030. We’ll also increase the use of on-site renewables and drive green power into our supply chain.

EV100 - Transportation is now the largest source of global warming pollution in the United States. We’re tackling this issue head on and committed to EV100 – the electrification of transportation. This commitment includes incentivizing employees to purchase electric vehicles and commuter bikes, installing EV charging infrastructure at all our facilities, and transitioning our fleet to all plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles by 2030.

Photo Credit: Native Energy, Inc. Used with permission.

*Up to 25k max to be donated to Conservation Alliance to Protect the Places we love Conservation Alliance PO Box 1275, Bend, OR 97709

*Up to 25K max to be donated to Protect our Winters to protect the places we love POW Headquarters: 4676 Broadway Street, Boulder, CO, 80304